Flame tree Flamboyant (Royal Poinciana / delonix regia) tropical ornamental exotic tree 8”-18”
The Royal Poinciana, also known as the flamboyant tree or flame tree, is a stunning ornamental tree that is native to Madagascar. The tree is prized for its spectacular display of large clusters of bright red-orange flowers that bloom in the summer months, creating a striking visual impact. In this description, we will discuss how to plant and care for a Royal Poinciana tree, as well as some of its uses. An interesting fact about the Royal Poinciana tree is that it is known as the national tree of both Barbados and St. Kitts and Nevis. In Barbados, the tree is known as the "Pride of Barbados," and its vibrant red-orange flowers are featured on the country's coat of arms. The tree is also a symbol of the city of Key West, Florida, and is celebrated each year with a Royal Poinciana Festival. Additionally, the wood of the Royal Poinciana tree is known for its natural resistance to termites and is often used in the construction of buildings in tropical regions.